Monday 12 February 2024 |
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The Politics of 2024: balancing domestic priorities with geopolitical uncertainty in Southeast Asia

What’s next for Southeast Asia’s regional integration?

Online panel discussion featuring GC Senior Advisers Dr. Kian Ming Ong, former Malaysia Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry and Dr. Santi Sathirathai, former Group Chief Economist and member of the senior management team at Sea Ltd, on what’s next for Southeast Asia’s regional integration, relations with China and more.

This event was part of Global Counsel’s annual programme, The Politics of 2024, consisting of a series of exclusive in-person events and webinars is an opportunity to review and debate the political and policy landscape in 2024 featuring our expert team and external commentators.

From geopolitical tension to turning-point elections, landmark regulation to technology-driven change, our private in-person events will build into a picture of the world of business, politics and policy in 2024. Discussions will be convened by Global Counsel’s team of political, policy and sectoral experts, with guest speakers from across policy, industry, think tanks, and academia sharing their views.

Visit the programme hub here for more on the agenda and to sign up to additional events:

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The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.