First name


Lily-Ann monitors key developments in environmental policy, ESG and sustainable finance.

Lily-Ann is an Associate in the Climate and Sustainability Practice. She graduated from Durham University with a first class honours degree in Modern Languages before studying an MSc in International Relations of the Americas at UCL. She has experience working in an international publishing house, political organisations, and NGOs.

At GC, Lily-Ann monitors key developments in environmental policy to support climate and sustainability clients understand the risks and opportunities presented by regulatory and political change. 

Recent examples of her work include:

  • Assessing and monitoring key developments in ESG globally and sustainable agricultural policy in the Latin American region.
  • Helping clients plan their political and public engagement strategies for the UNFCCC climate summit COP26.
  • Supporting a multinational investment bank to help them understand the regulatory changes that would enable the banking industry to support the Just Transition.